/Nara Prefecture/警察署交通課

五條警察署 野迫川駐在所

日本, 〒648-0305 奈良県吉野郡野迫川村北股533−3, 野迫川 駐在所

五條警察署 野迫川駐在所
1 レビュー
1 コメント
5J8M+H8 野迫川村, 日本、奈良県
+81 747-37-2023
月曜日: 00–24
火曜日: 00–24
水曜日: 00–24
木曜日: 00–24
金曜日: 00–24
土曜日: 00–24
日曜日: 00–24
Kostas Zolotas
Kostas Zolotas2 年前
(Google による翻訳)職務を超えて尽力してくださった鎌塚治孝警部に感謝いたします。高野山から熊野本宮大社までハイキングをしていると、道端で鎌塚巡査が立ち止まって話しかけてきました。彼は私に悪天候が近づいていることを知らせ、キャンプの代わりにホテルに滞在することを勧めました。翌日も登山道を進み、台風直撃の峠の避難所にたどり着きました。それは非常に激しく、トレイルを破壊したので、私は大俣の町で降りなければなりませんでした.



I would like to thank Police Inspector Harutaka Kamatsuka, for going above and beyond his duty. I was hiking from Koyasan to Kumano Hongu Taisha, when Officer Kamatsuka stopped to speak to me as I was on a section of road. He informed me of severe weather that was soon to come, and recommended I stay in a hotel instead of camping. I continued on the trail the following day, and made it to an emergency shelter in a mountain pass when the typhoon hit. It was very intense and destroyed the trail, so I had to exit in the town of Omata.

As I arrived at the bus stop, a police car pulls up to me again. Sure enough, it was officer Kamatsuka again! He recognized me from the day before asked me if I was alright, and how the trail was after the typhoon. Knowing that the bus would not be running that day because of the roads that were destroyed by the typhoon, he offered me a ride all the way back to Koyasan.

Officer Kamatsuka is a very kind human being and an exceptional police officer. This was my first interaction with the Japanese police, and I hope that all the rest are like him as well. He is a great representative of this incredible country!