/Nagano Prefecture/ホテル

Toemu Nozawa

日本, 〒389-2502 長野県下高井郡野沢温泉村豊郷9702

Toemu Nozawa
12 レビュー
8 コメント
WCCW+5Q 野沢温泉村, 日本、長野県
+81 269-85-2536
Hisayo2 年前

Radu Patulescu
Radu Patulescu2 年前
(Google による翻訳)フレンドリーなスタッフとゲレンデに近い場所は、私たちの滞在の唯一の良い点でした。すべての共有エリアは本当に寒くて使用できず、人々はコートを着ていました(朝食中を含む)。乾燥室からホテル全体にガソリンの焦げた匂いがして、スキー用具がすべてガソリン臭くなりました。最悪の部分は、温泉(温めるはず)がオンになっていないため、凍えるほど寒かったシャワールームでした。誰かが、シャワールームのドアを開けて、寒さをもう少し和らげるという素晴らしいアイデアさえ思いつきました。含まれている朝食ビュッフェは、インスタント味噌と甘いトーストで構成され、かなり悲しかったです。キャパシティの半分のように見えたにもかかわらず、クリスマス中の予約に割増料金を支払っている間にすべて

The friendly staff and close location to the slopes were the only positives of our stay. All the common areas were really cold and unusable, to the point where people were wearing their coats (including during breakfast). There was a smell of burnt petrol in the whole hotel coming from the drying room which made all my skiing gear reek of petrol. The worst part was the shower room which was freezing cold because the onsen (which is supposed to warm it up) was not turned on. Someone even had the great idea to put open the shower room door to let the cold inside a bit more. The included breakfast buffet was pretty sad, consisting of instant miso and sugary toast. All of it while paying a premium for booking during Xmas even though it seemed to be at half capacity
Keith Jun
Keith Jun2 年前
(Google による翻訳)ホテルのスタッフはとてもフレンドリーで洞察力がありました!スペースはとても居心地が良く、部屋もかなり広々としていました - 私たち4人でも!最寄りの温泉までは歩いてすぐですが、敷地内には素敵なシャワーと温浴施設もあります。

間違いなくまた戻ってきます! :)

The hotel staff were incredibly friendly and insightful! The space was really cosy and the rooms were quite spacious as well — even with four of us! It’s a short walk to the nearest onsen but there’s a lovely shower and hot bath facility on site too.

We’ll definitely be back again! :)
Andrew Forsyth
Andrew Forsyth2 年前
(Google による翻訳)このホテルは文字通り私が今まで泊まった中で最悪の場所です。一般的なバスルーム設備は悪魔的でした-温泉/バスは決して満杯でも熱くもなく、一般的に体臭とカビの暖められた組み合わせのにおいがしました。

This hotel is literally the worst place I’ve ever stayed. The common bathroom facilities were diabolical - the onsen/bath was never full or hot and generally smelt of a combination of warmed up body odor and mould.
We had to sort our own garbage which was first for me. The bedroom was never tidied or refreshed during our stay and the breakfast was inedible.
Beds/futons were easily the most uncomfortable during our 4 week trip in Japan.
Perhaps the worst aspect of our stay was the noise though - we could literally hear every single movement from the adjacent rooms.
This place is an absolute disaster - DO NOT BOOK HERE.
If possible I would give 0/10
Nich2 年前
(Google による翻訳)私たちは素敵な滞在ができました。 3人と1部屋でした。お風呂は残念ながら閉まっていたが、シャワーは熱く、ホテルの外の温泉は開いていた。スタッフは素晴らしくてとても親切です。小さなコーヒーショップはいつも開いていて、一杯の素晴らしいコーヒーを出していました。大きな貯蔵および乾燥室。ボードやスキーを調整するためのエリアがたくさん。ラウンジにはゲームや卓球があり、長い一日の疲れを癒す楽しい方法です。

We had a lovely stay. Was 3 people and one room. The bath was sadly closed but the shower was hot and the Onsen outside the hotel was open. Staff is amazing and so kind. The small coffee shop was always open and served one great cup of coffee. Big storage and drying room. Lots of areas for tuning up boards and skis. The lounge has games and ping pong, fun way to unwind from a long day.
Yusuke aoki
Yusuke aoki2 年前
(Google による翻訳)妻と子供と宿泊しました。

I stayed with my wife and child.
This hotel has good access to Main Street and each “Onsen”(spring) and helped us stay quiet and relaxed. Additionally, keeping all facility and rooms clean was wonderful for us. Furthermore, it was very glad that the staff was very kind and friendly to us.
We look forward to visiting this hotel next time we come to Nozawa Onsen.
Juan Manuel Vazquez
Juan Manuel Vazquez2 年前
(Google による翻訳)滞在するのに最適な場所です!私はお勧め !

Great place to stay! I recommend !
Luke Petley
Luke Petley2 年前
(Google による翻訳)とても親切なフレンドリーなスタッフ!スタッフは英語をとても上手に話します。部屋はとても清潔で快適で暖かいです!

Friendly staff who are very accommodating! Staff speak English quite well. Rooms are very clean, comfy and warm!