/Kagawa Prefecture/バケーションアパートメント

古民家宿 星屑

日本, 〒761-3110 香川県香川郡直島町1974−3

古民家宿 星屑
33 レビュー
8 コメント
FX5G+HP 直島町, 日本、香川県
+81 80-3134-7712
Risa Sato
Risa Sato2 年前
Is03京子2 年前
港からも歩いていける立地で、島で唯一のセブンイレブンからも徒歩すぐの好立地。 部屋はどこも掃除が行き届いていて、清潔です、 ただ、隣の部屋とは壁1枚だけで音に関しては気を使ってしまう。
Chika Takeuchi
Chika Takeuchi2 年前
Hirata Takuya
Hirata Takuya2 年前
Emiemi2 年前
離れのステキなお部屋で ゆっくり出来ました!
Gab Anastasi
Gab Anastasi2 年前
(Google による翻訳)宮之浦港のすぐ近くにある伝統的な小さな旅館で、直島を探索するのに最適な場所です。



また、寝室のドアには鍵がかかっておらず、貴重品を入れるための金庫もありません。 2 泊以上滞在する場合は、ベッドを掃除し、すべての持ち物をきれいな山に片付けます (散らかっている場合)。私は服や物をどこにでも置いていきます)。良かったのですが、少し不必要で邪魔に感じました。


Traditional little inn very close to Miyanoura port, and an okay place to stay if you’re exploring Naoshima.

The inn is essentially a large house, with three separate bedrooms that the guests stay in. There are two toilets and one shower to share between 6 people. The host isn’t even on the premises, and you have to call her with the phone provided, in order to let her know you have arrived and she will come.

The walls are incredibly thin, and you can hear the mumbles of conversation quite clearly, which can be quite frustrating late at night/early in the morning

There also aren’t any locks on the bedroom doors, or any safe provided to put valuables in. If you stay more than one night, they will clean your bed and tidy all of your belongings into neat piles (if you’re messy like I am and leave clothes and things everywhere). It was nice, but I felt as it was a little unnecessary and intrusive.

Despite there being a full kitchen with stoves, fridge and cutlery, there are no pans, pots, bowls or plates ate all... which was quite frustrating to discover after coming back with lots of food from 7/11 that required cooking.
Mimi Xu
Mimi Xu2 年前
(Google による翻訳)私が見たすべての素晴らしいレビューの後、非常に残念です。 「ホスト」は英語を話せず、ビザのマシンを操作できず、特に汚れたキッチンを適切に案内してくれませんでした。台所の食器棚にはゴキブリの死骸があり、スープを作るソースパンもありません。調理する調味料はありませんでした。また、共有バスルームの機能は、ウェブサイトでは非常に不明確です。ゲストハウスの 1 泊 10,000 円で、トイレやバスルームを共有することは期待できません。私たちは 2 部屋を予約しましたが、最上階に 1 つ、1 階に 1 つ置かれました。低層階の2部屋に私たちを入れてみませんか?私たちにとって、そしてクーペ自身にとっては、もっと良かったでしょうか?非常に思慮がありません。フェリー乗り場が近いので立地は良いです。ゲストハウスの全体的な外観はかわいくて伝統的ですが、驚くほどではありません。

Ve ry disappointing after all the amazing reviews I see. The “host” did not speak English, could not operate the Visa machine, didn’t show us around properly, especially the kitchen which was so dirty. I found a dead cockroach in the kitchen cupboard, there’s not even a sauce pan to make a soup, in the cutlery drow, there was a lot of black dirt. There was no condiments to cook. Also the shared bathroom feature is quite unclear on the website. For ¥10 000/ night/ room for a guest house I would not expect to share toilets or bathroom. We booked 2 rooms and they put us one on top floor and one on ground floor. Why not put us in the 2 lower floor rooms? Would have been better for us and for the coupe on their own? Very unthoughtful. Location is ok as it’s close to the ferry. The general look of the guest house is cute and traditional... but not amazing.
Ting2 年前
(Google による翻訳)美しく広々とした日本の家。完璧にきれい。毎朝家全体を掃除し、ベッドメイキングまでしてくれる掃除婦がいます。スタッフとオーナーは英語を話せませんが、とても親切です。港まで徒歩5分という好立地。近くには有名な湯温泉や地元のレストランや喫茶店があります。 7-11 とバス停まで徒歩 2 分で、町や博物館の反対側に行くことができます。



Ps。部屋の 1 つは屋根裏部屋 (私たちの部屋) にあり、トイレはメイン フロアにあり、階段はすべての日本の家のように非常に急であることに注意してください。アクセシビリティの問題がある場合は、お尋ねください。メインフロアの2つの部屋のうちの1つ。

Beautiful, spacious Japanese home. Impeccably clean. There are cleaning ladies who come clean the whole house every morning and even make your bed. The staff and owner do not speak English but are very accommodating. Great location as it is a 5 mins walk to the port. Close to the famous, I heart Yu onsen and local restaurants and coffee shops. 2 mins walk to 7-11 and bus stop to bring you the the other side of town and museums.

Owner and staff do not live on site which meant that if felt like we had the whole house to ourselves, even when we had housemates, it didn’t feel like we were sharing the space. However, this made check in a little difficult and we had to use our cell phones to call the owner to check in.

We would definitely recommend this place and we were so sad to leave!

Ps. Note that one of the rooms is in the attic (our room) and the toilets are on the main floor and the stairs are very steep as in all Japanese homes, we’ve noticed, so if you have any accessibility issues, you should ask for one of the two rooms on the main floor.